Photo Gallery
Migrating raptors included species such as this Hen Harrier…
…Peregrine Falcon…
…Common Buzzard…
…Rough-legged Hawk…
…White-tailed Eagle…
…Red Kite…
…and Black Kite.
Views can often be at point-blank range!
Inland, we’ll search for species such as Common Crane.
On the coast, wildfowl such as these Northern Pintail are migrating.
Common Shelduck is also commonly encountered.
We’ll see big flocks of Barnacle Geese.
On days of good migration, birds just keep on coming.
Grounded migrants include this Spotted Flycatcher.
Yellow Wagtails are frequently seen.
European Robin is a common migrant.
Large flocks of Jackdaws will be seen.
We’ll have chance to see birds caught for banding, such as this Firecrest.
Up to 500,000 birds can pass Falsterbo in a single day!