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News From Falsterbo, Sweden

Stephen Menzie reports from a week of migration-watching and birding at Falsterbo, southern Sweden: It was a week of two halves, with perfect weather conditions during the first part of week seeing us catch up with a host of migrants, including some surprises, while wet and windy weather during the second half of the week saw us heading inland in search of some of southern Sweden’s resident species. 

Expected migrants included raptors such as Marsh Harriers…
Expected migrants included raptors such as Marsh Harriers…
Stephen Menzie
… Red Kites...
… Red Kites...
Stephen Menzie
…and Eurasian Sparrowhawks.
…and Eurasian Sparrowhawks.
Stephen Menzie
Common Chiffchaffs were numerous…
Common Chiffchaffs were numerous…
Stephen Menzie
…as were Meadow Pipits.
…as were Meadow Pipits.
Stephen Menzie
Surprises included a migrating Lesser Spotted Eagle and this Red-breasted Goose.
Surprises included a migrating Lesser Spotted Eagle and this Red-breasted Goose.
Stephen Menzie
The lagoon at Falsterbo held several species of shorebird, including elegant Pied Avocets.
The lagoon at Falsterbo held several species of shorebird, including elegant Pied Avocets.
Stephen Menzie
Resident species seen included this Tawny Owl – this photograph was taken a few days after the group enjoyed views of what was presumably the same bird, living locally in Falsterbo Park.
Resident species seen included this Tawny Owl – this photograph was taken a few days after the group enjoyed views of what was presumably the same bird, living locally in Falsterbo Park.
Stephen Menzie