Photo Gallery
Photos by Gavin Bieber
The Dominican Republic’s crystal clear water and sandy beaches…
…historic colonial downtowns…
…and vibrant culture provide a great backdrop for our tour.
We’ll visit the famed Botanical Gardens…
…where Palmchats abound in the towering Royal Palms…
…West Indian Whistling-Ducks linger along the creek…
…Black-crowned Palm Tanagers lurk in the brush…
…and Giant Anoles peer down from their lofty perches.
We’ll then visit the rockier Southwest corner of the country…
…where mountains covered in pine forest…
…and slow moving creeks wind through vine covered thorn forest…
…containing gaudy endemics like Hispaniola Trogon…
…and the impossibly cute Narrow-billed Tody….
In the highlands along the Haitian border we’ll look for…
…Rufous-throated Solitaire…
…lots of bright native flowers…
…and perhaps some roaming Haitian farmers.
We’ll also experience the very arid cactus forests in the deep south…
…where Hispaniolan Woodpecker can be abundant…
..and we’ll scan the picturesque coastline for passing tropicbirds…
…and we always have the chance of encountering the impressive Rhinoceros Iguana.
Our last stop will be Los Haitises National Park, where our unique hotel…
…often has semi tame White-necked Crows.
A hike into the limestone karst hills…
…will hopefully reveal the highly endangered Ridgeway’s Hawk…
…and perhaps the very brightly colored Hispaniolan Boa.
We’ll cap the trip off with a boat trip through the coastal bays and mangroves…
…where Great Egrets in their full breeding regalia…
…will be perched next to Magnificent Frigatebirds…
…and gorgeous flowering Agaves will protect…
…ancient Taino cliff carvings.