Photo Gallery
Gavin Bieber
Saguaro Cactus fill some hillside slopes in the Sonoran Desert
…and play host to its own assemblage of birds such as this Gila Woodpecker…
…the imposing Cactus Wren…
…and ubiquitous White-winged Doves.
Many of the local cacti species are in full bloom in May…
…Rufous-winged Sparrows should be active in the brushy grasslands…
…and Gambel’s Quail should be an ever-present companion.
Picnic lunches in the field…
…will allow us to explore the many outlying areas of Southeastern Arizona…
… a sunning Neotropic Cormorant already in breeding plumage …
…as well as the dapper Ruddy Duck…
…and we’ll make an effort for rare breeders such as Least Grebe.
The oak-filled Canyons support Mexican species such as this Arizona Woodpecker…
…the Mexican subspecies of Spotted Owl…
…and migrant breeders like this handsome Black-throated-Gray Warbler.
City parks can be rewarding too, with birds like the stunning Vermilion Flycatcher…
..and dry grasslands support habitat for migrant shorebirds…
…as well as birds such as Scaled Quail.
Hummingbird watching can be a lot of fun…
…from the local Violet-crowned…
…to the imperious Blue-throated…
…workmanlike Broad-tailed…
…dazzling Anna’s…
…and perhaps even the rare White-eared.
A two day trip to the marvelous Chiricahua Moutains…
…which rise up from the arid Chihuahuan Desert should reveal…
…warblers such as the gorgeous Red-faced…
…a host of nightbirds, including the diminutive Common Poorwill…
…Yellow-eyed Juncos…
…Hepatic Tanagers…
…many Broad-billed Hummingbirds…
..the striking Scott’s Oriole…
…and likely a host of lizards such as this Mountain Spiny.
On one afternoon we’ll make the trek along the border to see the extremely local Five-striped Sparrow…
…perhaps pausing to admire a Coyote on the way in,…
…or to marvel at a fiery desert sunset on the way back.