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WINGS Birding Tours – Itinerary

Bulgaria in Spring

Birds and History

Friday 9 May to Tuesday 20 May 2025
with Oli Reville as leader
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Eastern Imperial Eagle is a majestic species seen on this tour. Photo: Oli Reville

Located on the Black Sea, Bulgaria sits on one of Europe’s key bird migration flyways. Its varied habitats offer great variety - we can expect 150-200 species including Wallcreeper, 20+ species of birds of prey, rare European breeding species, and a rich overall natural history. We’ll also visit places of history, mysticism, and legend, most revolving around one of the world’s most ancient civilisations, the Thracians, including multiple UNESCO world heritage sites.

Our tour is set in some of Europe’s most spectacular scenery with a range of comfortable hotels and excellent food also on offer.

Day 1: We’ll begins this evening in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. For those who have arrived early there will be optional afternoon birding  on Vitosha mountain. Night in a hotel at the foot of Vitosha mountain, Sofia.

Days 2-3: We’ll begin by driving to the lovely small village of Yagodina in the Rhodope mountains. Along the way we’ll have several birding breaks looking for Red-backed Shrike, Black-headed Bunting, and European Honey Buzzard among others. We’ll arrive late afternoon in Yagodina, perhaps with time to visit Devil’s Throat cave, nearby and famous in Thracian mythology as the location where Orpheus descended into the underworld.

On our second day, we’ll begin with a pre breakfast walk around the village of Yagodina. Species we can expect include Pallid Swift,, Sombre Tit, Red-rumped Swallow, Black Redstart, European Serin, and Cirl Bunting.

After breakfast we’ll explore the area around Trigrad Gorge, on the border with Greece. The steep-sided gorge is home to a strange subspecies of Black Pine which grows out of the bare rock without the need for any soil. While the beauty of the location is alluring, the primary reason for our visit is the mystical Wallcreeper, in its own bird family, the Tichodromidae, and one of the world’s most extraordinary birds.  While we search for this iconic species, we’ll look as well for Alpine Swift, White-throated Dipper, Crag Martin, among others. Nights in Yagodina.

Days 4-5: We’ll leave early for our drive east across the Rhodope Mountains. Along the way we’ll visit the town of Perperikon, an ancient settlement dating to 8000 B.C. and featuring buildings carved into the rocks. Perperikon holds the famous temple of Dionysius where it is said a prophecy that Alexander the Great would rule the world was delivered. If time allows in the afternoon, we’ll look for birds close to our accommodation.

The following day we’ll continue our explorations, visiting birding sites around Madzharovo and Studen Kladenets, an ancient volcanic region with beguiling scenery. Large birds of prey species are numerous here, and we’ll hope to connect with Griffon, Egyptian and Cinereous Vultures at close range. Other birds could include Short-toed Snake Eagle, Black-eared Wheatear, Woodchat Shrike, Eastern Orphean, Eastern Subalpine, and Barred Warblers, and Crested Lark. Nights in Madzharovo.

Days 6-7: We’ll drive to the Black Sea coast and the ancient town of Sozopol from which we’ll explore the southern section of Bulgaria’s bird migration highway. On the way we’ll search for Eastern Imperial Eagle, Masked Shrike, and Isabelline Wheatear.

The next day we’ll explore the Pomorie saltpans and lakes around the city of Burgas, the most significant wetlands along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and host to a huge range of species including Pied Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, Sandwich and Little Terns, Kentish Plover, Mediterranean Gull, Great Reed Warbler, Bearded Reedling, Little Bittern, Ruddy Shelduck, White-tailed and Lesser Spotted Eagles, and, provided water levels are favorable, many migrant shorebirds, almost certainly including Curlew Sandpiper, and Little Stint. Nights in Sozopol.

Days 8-9: We’ll continue north along the Black Sea, stopping en route in an ancient oak woodland for the localised Semicollared Flycatcher as well as Levant Sparrowhawk and Black and Middle Spotted Woodpeckers.

While in Bulgaria’s northeastern corner we’ll investigate the wild steppes of the Kaliakra reserve, starting at Durankulak Lake looking for Squacco Heron, Ferruginous Duck, Collared Pratincole, Paddyfield Warbler, and Red-footed Falcon. The nearby 200-foot cliffs of Cape Kaliakra and the 2400-year-old fort on the cliff top have a significant Roman and Byzantine history, all of which will form a backdrop to our birding, with Pied Wheatear, Greater Short-toed and Calandra Larks, Eurasian Thick-knee, and Rosy Starling all possible. From the cliff top we can watch for aquatic mammals and groups of Yelkouan Shearwaters moving along the coast. We’ll finish the day with a search for the mighty Eurasian Eagle-Owl. Nights in Krapets.

Day 10: We’ll visit two UNESCO World Heritage Site, the first being the Thracian tomb of Sveshtari with its stunning murals. It’s 2300 years old and holds the tomb of Dromichaetes, a Thracian king who defeated Alexander the Great’s successor, Lysimachus.   After lunch we’ll  travel to the Srebarna Nature Reserve, yet another UNESCO world heritage site offering superb birding with a great combination of water and woodland birds. The endangered Dalmatian Pelican is a key reason for our visit, but other interesting species include Ferruginous Duck, and all the heron, bittern, and egret species that occur in Europe. In the evening, we may also see the enigmatic Golden Jackal, the only species of jackal outside of Africa. Night in Vetren.

Day 11: On our final full day we’ll visit more important birding locations in the Sreburna reserve, notably the Maluk Preslavets Marsh, a fascinating area for birds and for flora, including the beautiful White-Water Lily. After lunch we’ll begin our transfer to Bucharest for our final meal. Night in Bucharest.

Day 12: The tour concludes this morning in Bucharest.

Updated: 07 June 2024


  • 2025 Tour Price Not Yet Available
  • (2024 Tour Price $3,950)


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Questions? Tour Manager: Matt Brooks. Call 1-866-547-9868 (US or Canada) or (01) 520-320-9868 or click here to email.

* Tour invoices paid by check carry a 4% discount. Details here.

This tour is limited to 10 participants with two leaders. 


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