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Highlights from the Costa Rica in Spring tour

With no rained-out mornings or afternoons (and hardly any showers during non-birding times), we were able to make the most out of our thirteen wonderful days of birding in Costa Rica, seeing and hearing about 470 species of birds. We visited amazing variety of habitats from north to south, in both Pacific and Caribbean lowlands as well as high in the central and Talamanca highlands. We ended in the tour in the latter where we stumbled into a male Resplendent Quetzal feeding in patch of aguacatillo trees. He offered decent views of his back after a couple of fruitful sallies, but then before flying off into the forest uphill, he perched in the open facing us, and we were brought to our knees at the incredible train of upper tail coverts, glistening greens of the head and back, and pulsating red of the belly.

Resplendent Quetzal
Resplendent Quetzal
Rich Hoyer
The colors of the Violet Sabrewing similarly seemed to emanate from some superpower within the bird’s body.
The colors of the Violet Sabrewing similarly seemed to emanate from some superpower within the bird’s body.
Rich Hoyer
It wasn’t all about eye-candy but very localized endemics, such as the simple but charming Volcano Junco.
It wasn’t all about eye-candy but very localized endemics, such as the simple but charming Volcano Junco.
Rich Hoyer
In the Caribbean lowlands, we had some wonderful close-encounters, such as with these stolid White-whiskered Puffbirds.
In the Caribbean lowlands, we had some wonderful close-encounters, such as with these stolid White-whiskered Puffbirds.
Rich Hoyer
This Broad-billed Motmot did not seem to notice we were walking past it as it scanned the foliage above for katydids and caterpillars.
This Broad-billed Motmot did not seem to notice we were walking past it as it scanned the foliage above for katydids and caterpillars.
Rich Hoyer
But the prize for boldness goes to this amazing Chestnut-colored Woodpecker that searched at length (for ants, presumably) among some Heliconia flowers at eye-level just a few feet from the group.
But the prize for boldness goes to this amazing Chestnut-colored Woodpecker that searched at length (for ants, presumably) among some Heliconia flowers at eye-level just a few feet from the group.
Rich Hoyer
We did extremely well with owls, seeing (or in one case just hearing) ten species. This Pacific Screech-Owl was one of four we found on their roosts during the day.
We did extremely well with owls, seeing (or in one case just hearing) ten species. This Pacific Screech-Owl was one of four we found on their roosts during the day.
Rich Hoyer
Another very memorable experience was provided by the 20 minutes we spent with this Sunbittern foraging at times within a few feet of us. Participants with better cameras were able to get great photos of the stunning wing pattern visible only when it flew.
Another very memorable experience was provided by the 20 minutes we spent with this Sunbittern foraging at times within a few feet of us. Participants with better cameras were able to get great photos of the stunning wing pattern visible only when it flew.
Rich Hoyer
Breathtaking is one of the most apt adjectives used to describe the common Red-legged Honeycreeper.
Breathtaking is one of the most apt adjectives used to describe the common Red-legged Honeycreeper.
Rich Hoyer