Photo Gallery
Images by Gavin Bieber and Will Russell (wr)
The Canopy tower is perched atop a hill in Soberania National Park…
Formerly a U.S. military radar site, the Tower has been refurnished, with an expansive and excellent dining room…
…a marvelous upper deck…
…with superlative views of the surrounding forest…
…and its creatures ranging from lethargic Three-toed Sloths…
…to the stunning Golden-hooded Tanager…
…vivid Collared Aracaris…
…and electric Green Honeycreepers.
We’ll bird locally from Canopy Towers comfortable open-topped trucks…
…exploring nearby sights such as the famous pipeline road…
…where a morning’s walk can produce…
…the vocal but shy Streak-chested Antpitta…
…perhaps an active antswarm with its attendant Ocellated Antbirds.
…or maybe something infrequently seen like Pheasant Cuckoo.
Over 400 bird species have been seen within 20 miles of the Canopy Tower ranging from Broad-billed Motmot…
…and Spectacled Owl…
…to White-tailed Trogon…
…and we’ll look at everything from mammals like the delightful Northern Tamandua…
…to reptiles like this Common Basilisk.
We’lll venture to the Caribbean Coast and Fort San Lorenzo, perched atop a bluff at the mouth of the Chagres River…
…where we’ll look for Caribbean coast birds such as Black-tailed Trogon…
…or Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher…
…before having a picnic lunch at the fort.
On our way home we’ll view the lock system of the Panama Canal…
…before boarding a train along the canal back to the lodge.
On another day we’ll travel to the forests of Cerro Azul, where at several houses…
…we’ll view a dazzling array of hummingbirds (here a Violet-bellied)…
…or other gems such as Emerald Tanager…
…or the endemic Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker…
…before returning to the Canopy Tower for our last evening.