Photo Gallery
Photos by Liza Weissler, Keith Clarkson, Béatrice Henricot and Ryan Chenery.
St.Vincent Parrots are a wonderful conservation success story and now number almost 1000 mature adults - a far cry from the population of 120 in 1980 (Keith Clarkson).
Birding under the rainbow in the company of St.Vincent Amazon (Amazona guildingii)
St. Vincent Parrot - Amazona guildingii (Liza Weissler)
Barbuda Warbler - Setophaga subita (Liza Weissler)
The Brown Trembler (pictured) and Grey Trembler belong to an entire genera restricted only to the Lesser Antilles (Ryan Chenery).
Our time on Guadeloupe promises close encounters with normally secretive species such as Bridled Quail Dove (Béatrice Henricot).
One of three singe-island endemic orioles in the Lesser Antilles - the Martinique Oriole (Béatrice Henricot).
The tiny Blue-headed Hummingbird is a near endemic known only to Dominica and Martinique (Béatrice Henricot).
The single-island endemic St Lucia Thrasher is found in the dry forests of the island. (Keith Clarkson).
St. Lucia Parrot - Amazona versicolor (Liza Weissler)
St. Lucia Pewee - Contopus latirostris latirostris (Liza Weissler)
St. Lucia Warbler - Setophaga delicata (Liza Weissler)
The White-breasted Thrasher is endemic to Martinique (Liza Weissler)
Antillean Crested Hummingbird - Orthorhyncus cristatus exilis (Liza Weissler)
Golden Warbler - Setophaga petechia ruficapilla (Liza Weissler)
Grenada Dove - Leptotila wellsi (Liza Weissler)
The endemic St. Lucia Wren (Troglodytes mesoleucus) (Liza Weissler)
Lesser Antillean Bullfinch - Loxigilla noctis sclateri (Liza Weissler)
Lesser Antillean Euphonia (Chlorophonia flavifrons) (Liza Weissler)
Lesser Antillean Flycatcher - Myiarchus oberi sanctaeluciae (Liza Weissler)
St. Lucia Black Finch (male) Melanospiza richardsoni (Liza Weissler)
Searching for Whistling Warbler on St. Vincent