Photo Gallery
Fabrice Schmitt, Luke Seitz, and Matt Brooks
The stunning Guianan Cock-of-the-rock…
…the weird looking Capuchinbird and his impressive display…
…or the sought-after Grey-winged Trumpeter are all competing for the best bird of the GUYANA trip!!
After visiting the Georgetown Botanical Garden and the nearby coast…
…with Spotted Tody-Flycatcher and…
…the impossibly bright Scarlet Ibis…
…we will fly to the interior of the country, where we’ll make a stop at the famous Kaieteur Falls, the world’s largest single drop waterfall.
This delightful golden rocket frog is endemic to Guyana and only found on the Kaieteur Plateau. From here we’ll continue…
…into the heart of the wonderful Iwokrama forest, where we bird along wide tracks, trails…
…and even a canopy walkway!
Antbirds feature strongly on this tour, including the attractive Ferruginous-backed…
…and we might chance upon other forest birds like these threatened Black Curassows…
…or this Caica Parrot feeding on a fruiting tree.
Red-fan Parrot is another sought-after parrot in this region…
…and we will carefully check for roosting potoos, like this Long-tailed!
A few night outings could produce various owls and nightjars, including Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl.
After a week in the forest, we head into the Rupununi savannahs…
…where a few ponds usually attract many interesting species…
…like this stunning Fork-tailed Flycatcher!
Plenty of different vehicles will be used to reach these wonderful places, from small planes…
…4x4 truck…
…or bedford trucks…
…and even small boats to bird rivers and lakes…
…where Long-nosed Bats sometimes roost on rocks!
Accommodations range from simple cabins like in Surama (an ecotourism project whose benefit is going to the Amerindian community)…
…to the nice rooms at Atta lodge…
…a wonderful lodge located in the middle of the forest (Harpy Eagle has been seen in the garden more than once!!)
…and also some fancy rooms like at Iwokrama lodge…
…were we will surely enjoy the relaxing atmosphere, birding from our porches with a view of the Essequibo River!
Birding in Guyana is wonderful, with many colorful birds like this Yellow Oriole…
…or this strikingly patterned Spotted Puffbird.
The rare Bronzy Jacamar is found on poor soiled forest…
…while large numbers of Band-tailed Nighthawks are sometimes seen along rivers…
…where we’ll also search for one of the most beautiful herons in South America, the Capped Heron!
But Guyana is also great for general wildlife, and we may cross paths with Giant Anteater…
… the mythical Anaconda …
…or impressive Black Caiman…
…and even Red-footed Tortoise!!
Back in Georgetown for one final afternoon of birding, we’ll clean up any restricted range species that we’re still missing, like this stunning Blood-colored Woodpecker.
One of the top highlights of this tour is the opportunity to see the stunning Sun Parakeet, certainly one of the brightest Psittacids in the Americas…
…and sometimes the treetops are full of them, absolutely glowing in the morning sunlight!
We’ll also make a special effort to find the unique and range-restricted Red Siskin, sadly now severely threatened by the cage bird trade. Conservation efforts in Guyana are important in ensuring the survival of this beautiful finch.
This country is a wonderful destination for any nature-lover!