Photo Gallery
Images: Fabrice Schmitt
Our birding trip to Bahia will take us to wonderful places and unique habitats…
…including the scenic tablelands and rock gardens of the Chapada Diamantina…
…the shrubby and wooded savanna of the Cerrado…
…dry forests such as those near Boa Nova…
…humid forest at Serra Bonita…
…and even mangroves near Porto Seguro.
We’ll stay in picturesque villages (here Lençois)…
…travel through colorful towns…
…and meet friendly Brazilians.
We’ll use simple but attractive accommodation, with great birding opportunities from the garden…
…or from the swimming pool…
…or even from our rooms as at Serra Bonita.
Birding will be fantastic and we plan on finding plenty of Brazilian endemics like Slender Antbird…
…the unique Great Xenops…
…or the lovely Spotted Piculet.
There will be colorful birds like Green-headed Tanager…
…and Red-necked Tanager, both species coming to the feeders at Serra Bonita.
We also have good chance of finding the soon-to-be-split Eastern Striped Manakin…
…the recently described Sincora Antwren…
…the extremely local Hooded Visorbearer…
…and the charismatic Spot-billed Toucanet.
We may be the only tour to look for the endangered and beautiful Indigo Macaw.
The botany is absolutely amazing too…
…with stunning cacti…
…spectacular bromeliaceae…
…and elegant mimosa.
We may also spot one of these weird Rock Cavy…
…a group of the very local Wied’s Black-tufted-ear Marmoset…
and other marvelous creatures like the colorful crabs in the Porto Seguro’s mangroves.
Some might say that the fresh coconut milk alone warrants a trip to Bahia.