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WINGS Birding Tours – Itinerary

Newfoundland: Winter Birds

Monday 6 January to Sunday 12 January 2025
with Jared Clarke as leader
Monday 5 January to Sunday 11 January 2026
with Jared Clarke as leader

Price: $2,790* (01/2025)

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Strays from Iceland and Europe are a feature of the tour even if, like this Pink-footed Goose, they take up with the locals.Photo: Jared ClarkeStrays from Iceland and Europe are a feature of the tour even if, like this Pink-footed Goose, they take up with the locals. Photo: Jared Clarke
  • Strays from Iceland and Europe are a feature of the tour even if, like this Pink-footed Goose, they take up with the locals.

    Strays from Iceland and Europe are a feature of the tour even if, like this Pink-footed Goose, they take up with the locals. Photo: Jared Clarke

  • Tufted Ducks are regular in small numbers.

    Tufted Ducks are regular in small numbers. Photo: Jared Clarke

  • Iceland Gulls by the hundreds are one of the tour's main attractions.

    Iceland Gulls by the hundreds are one of the tour's main attractions. Photo: Jared Clarke

  • A swirl of Purple Sandpipers against the crashing surf

    A swirl of Purple Sandpipers against the crashing surf Photo: Jared Clarke

  • Bohemian Waxwings are often present, sometime in good numbers.

    Bohemian Waxwings are often present, sometime in good numbers. Photo: Jared Clarke

  • Dovekie, perhaps the tour's signature bird

    Dovekie, perhaps the tour's signature bird Photo: Jared Clarke

  • The Battery, a neighborhood in St John's near the mouth of the harbor

    The Battery, a neighborhood in St John's near the mouth of the harbor Photo: Jared Clarke

Newfoundland may seem like an unlikely winter birding locale but in fact it’s brilliant. With Greenland to the northeast, Iceland and the rest of Europe to the east, mainland North America to the west and South America to the south, Newfoundland is the first or last land that many wayward birds see. Regardless of season, there’s almost always something interesting about, and in winter such wanderers are merely the frosting on a delectable mix of alcids, gulls, and boreal forest birds.

The city of St. John’s, population 150,000, is at the eastern extremity of the province. It’s a charming place to spend a few days and serves well as a base from which to see the region’s birds.

Day 1: Our tour begins this evening with a 6 pm meeting in our St. John’s area hotel. Night in St. John’s.

Newfoundland birding and Jared Clarke are a combination for great fun.

Michael Sacopulos, Jan 2020

Days 2-6: Based in a comfortable hotel in downtown St. John’s, we’ll spend most of our time in and around the city and the adjacent parts of the Avalon Peninsula, venturing a bit farther afield should we hear of a stray within driving distance (as often happens).

We’ll visit Cape Spear, the easternmost point of North America, and other scenic locations along the coastline looking for Great Cormorant, Common Eider, Purple Sandpiper, Dovekie, Thick-billed Murre, and Black Guillemot. January is the best month of the year to see numbers of the charismatic little Dovekie feeding close to shore, often just a few feet off the rocks or next to a wharf where it is possible to watch them swimming underwater in pursuit of tiny crustaceans.

St. John’s is unsurpassed in North America for the large number and rich diversity of gulls observed in comfort at close range. There are six or more species present daily in winter, including moderate numbers of Lesser Black-backed, Black-headed Gulls and occasionally a European Mew (Common) Gull. Glaucous Gulls occur in the numbers and “Kumlien’s” Iceland Gulls in the thousands in the harbor and at adjacent Quidi Vidi Lake. Some winters there are ABA rarities such as Yellow-legged, and Slaty-backed or European Herring Gull.

St. John’s city ponds annually host significant numbers of wintering Eurasian Wigeon, “Eurasian” Green-winged Teal, and Tufted Ducks among the hundreds of Northern Pintails and American Black Ducks, while the boreal forest is home to resident Boreal Chickadees and northern finches including Pine Grosbeak and White-winged Crossbill. Bohemian Waxwing is abundant within the St. John’s city limits in some winters, and Gyrfalcon and Snowy Owl are always possible. Winter weather in St. John’s is similar to that of the Great Lakes. We can drive to all the good birding locations and will usually be birding near the van.

On at least one day, weather permitting, we will visit the southern portion of the Avalon Peninsula, searching carefully for alcids like Thick-billed Murre and Razorbill. Among the large Common Eider flocks, mostly of the northern subspecies borealis, we’ll hope to pick out a King. We’ll pass by several feeding stations that have in the past harbored rarities, mostly from farther south and west, but very occasionally from Europe.

St. John’s, the easternmost city in North America and some would say the oldest in Canada, has considerable Old World charm. Perched on the granite edge of the harbor, it is known for its winding streets lined with colorful houses and its excellent restaurants and pubs. Given the shortness of the days at this season, those who wish will have ample opportunity to sample town pleasures. The city of St. John’s website is

Nights in St. John’s.

Day 7: The tour concludes this morning in St. John’s.

Updated: 07 February 2024


  • 2025 Tour Price : $2,790
  • Single Occupancy Supplement : $430
  • (2026 - Not Yet Determimed)


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Questions? Tour Manager: Sara Pike. Call 1-866-547-9868 (US or Canada) or (01) 520-320-9868 or click here to email.

* Tour invoices paid by check carry a 4% discount. Details here.

Maximum group size 5 with 1 leader.

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