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Global Birding Event

Posted Nov 18, 2020 by Rich Hoyer

The Global Birding Event held on 17 October proved to be an amazing success. 32,790 people took part around the world and between them recorded an incredible 7111 species through www.eBird.org. The combined number of species seen by the WINGS/Sunbird team was 595 and the event as a whole raised in excess of $30,000 for Birdlife International. But perhaps its greatest achievment was pulling together all those birders around the world and it was wonderful to be part of something so big - we are already looking forward to next year’s event. You can read all about the big day and see all the statistics at www.globalbirding.org

If you would like to contribute to Birdlife’s continued work trying to end the senseless trade in wild birds, donations can be made direct to Birdlife International by clicking here.