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Jon Dunn on his recently completed tour, Arizona: Second Spring

September 04: Jon Dunn on his recently completed tour, Arizona: Second Spring

We experienced a weak monsoon this year and the lack of rain meant warmer than normal temperatures.  Still we saw nearly all of the expected species, more than 200 in all, and a few surprises; highlights included a pair of Rose-throated Becards nesting along the Santa Cruz River near Tumacocori National Monument, a cooperative male Elegant Trogon in Madera Canyon, Five-striped Sparrow in Box Canyon, five Black-capped Gnatcatchers around the Santa Rita Mountains, eleven species of hummingbirds including a half dozen Lucifer Hummingbirds, a pair of Montezuma Quail, excellent views of both Crissal and Bendire’s Thrasher, Rufous-capped Warbler, and dozens (mostly adult males) of Lazuli Buntings.  A Fulvous Whistling-Duck (Green Valley) and a Groove-billed Ani (Whitewater Draw) were rarities for Arizona.  Non avian highlights included a family of Ringtails, a White-nosed Coati, a Black-tailed Rattlesnake, Pronghorn, many lizards, and a Western Diamondback. 

Female Rose-throated Becard at nest

Male Elegant Trogon

Black-capped Gnatcatcher

Lucifer Hummingbird

Montezuma Quail

Crissal Thrasher

Rufous-capped Warbler

Groove-billed Ani

Black-tailed Rattlesnake


Posted: September 04, 2018