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On tour in Mongolia

Posted Jun 17, 2024 by Paul French

Mongolia is one of the world’s unique places. There are few places where you spend this much time off-road, off-grid and just following your nose when choosing which tracks to follow. It’s a truly special place, where people are scarce and wildlife is everywhere - if you stop and look! Our highlights were many, including Black-billed Capercaillies and Pallas’s Rosefinch in the forests of the north; Kozlov’s Accentor, Oriental Plover, Saxaul Sparrow and Henderson’s Ground Jay in the deserts of the south; Baer’s Pochards, White-naped Cranes, Mongolian Larks, Mongolian Short-toed Lark and Sakers in the steppes and lakes, and finally Güldenstädt’s Redstart, Hodgson’s Bushchat, Altai Snowcock and Asian Rosy-Finch in the central mountains. All this while “glamping” in style with our amazing camp crew and drivers. 

Black-billed Capercaillie

Chinese Beautiful Rosefinch

Demoiselle Crane

Hodgson's Bushchat

Khukh Nuur


Oriental Plover

Saxaul Sparrow

The Mongolia 2024 crew