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Fabrice Schmitt reports from Northern Finland & Arctic Norway

Our tour to Northern Finland and Arctic Norway is another one of those dream trips! Blessed with wonderful weather for the duration, we were very successful having fantastic views on no less than six species of owls…

Here a Boreal Owl at the entrance of its next box


…and here a beautiful Northern Hawk Owl

We had repeated views of numerous Black Grouse


Hazel Grouse

and we also found many arctic specialties like Pine Grosbeak

This is a fantastic trip to admire many shorebirds in their breeding plumage, displaying and singing, but the most charismatic were definitely the many colorful Ruffs! 

Our visit to Hornoya Island with its tens of thousands of breeding seabirds, like Common Murres

…and Atlantic Puffin stands out as one of the highlights of the tour  

along with the beautiful adult Yellow-billed Loon in breeding plumage

…and the smart males of Bullfinch

and Bluethroat.

An eBird trip report can be seen here: https://ebird.org/tripreport/243795