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Jon Feenstra reports from the Upper Texas Coast

We just finished up a great week on the Texas coast, where it only takes the right kind of wind to turn a good place into a great place. Though south winds dominated, the north wind blew for two days and we were treated some to bird-filled woods. It was busy, and on one day we saw 24 warbler species.

The crowd favorite was Golden-winged Warbler, but it was too busy to get a photo, but the Prothonotary Warbler was also popular and posed nicely.

There were also dozens of Yellow-billed Cuckoos around: flying by on the highway, sitting on fence wires, eating huge caterpillars, and sometimes just hanging out.

When the south winds were blowing we spent time away from the woods and out in the fields for things like this Dickcissel, singing away…

…or this Upland Sandpiper, one of about 20 we saw that day. This one was exhibiting its ideal behavior of perching on a roadside fence post.

No matter how the winds are blowing, the resident birds are always around. Purple Gallinule was one that lurked across the marshland.

And, everyday was a picnic lunch. There was plenty of Cajun food for dinner, so sandwiches and salads were good, and we didn’t need to stop birding!