October 30: Gavin reports from Victoria and Tasmania, Australia Part 2
The other half of the Victoria and Tasmania tour concentrates on the incredibly scenic Victoria coastline, from famous spots like the Bay of Islands and the Twelve Apostles, to the heathlands south of Melbourne and the stunning coastline of Tasmania. We started off around Melbourne, getting to know a few common but flashy birds like Superb Fairywren, Rainbow Lorikeet and New Holland Honeyeater, as well as a few more reticent one such as Rufous Bristlebird. Our final few days of the tour are spent in Tasmania, where we located all of the Tasmanian endemics, including the staid Dusky Robin, skulky Scrubtit, brilliant (and not so green) Green Rosella, hulking Tasmanian Native-Hens, and endangered Forty-spotted Pardalote. We also enjoyed intimate views of the critically endangered Swift Parrot, seeing perhaps as much as 20% of the extant global population. Mammals were prevalent on Bruny, with daily view of several species like Bennet’s Wallabies, Tasmanian Pademelons, Common Brushtail Possums and several Eastern Quolls. We wrapped up the trip with 260 species of birds and 17 mammals. With the breadth of wildlife and scenery this tour never fails to deliver, and I very much look forward to returning to this corner of the country in 2024.
Superb Fairywren
Rainbow Lorikeet
New Holland Honeyeater
Rufous Bristlebird
Dusky Robin
Green Rosella
Tasmanian Native-hen
Forty-spotted Paradote
Swift Parrot
Bay of Islands
Bennet's Wallaby
Bruny Island, Tasmania
Cape Bruny
Posted: October 30, 2022