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Luke Seitz has reported back from a successful trip to Guyana

Posted Dec 9, 2021 by Luke Seitz

We just wrapped up our Guyana tour in fine fashion, with over 400 species of birds and a long list of other highlights, from mammals to food to waterfalls.


It’s a stunning, birdy, welcoming country, perhaps my favorite tour to guide…starting off bright, with Toco Toucan in Georgetown…


…and quickly transitioning to the one of the stars of the entire trip, the must-be-seen-to-be-believed Guianan Cock-of-the-rock!! This year, at least a half-dozen males provided long scope views and photo opps…


…and not far from the scenery peak of the tour, the ridiculous Kaieteur Falls, apparently the largest single-drop waterfall in the world (by volume).

From here, we spent several days working through mixed flocks and eking out shy forest species, somewhat more challenging but certainly rewarding. Here’s a rare Long-tailed Woodcreeper that posed beautifully near Atta Lodge…


…and a silent Black-faced Hawk perched along one of the forest trails, oblivious to its excited onlookers!


Not everything in the forest was challenging, however…the Black Curassows at Atta Lodge are getting friendlier by the week, now brazenly running INTO the dining room at times!


One of the top birds of the trip was this Rufous Potoo, rare and enigmatic throughout its range. This is only one of a handful of known sites in the world, and although it required wet feet, it was well worth the pain. We stood transfixed as it gently swayed back-and-forth, as if to mimic a dead leaf in the breeze…


From the forest, we transitioned abruptly to birding in the extensive Rupununi savannah, where birds like Sun Parakeet and Red Siskin performed brilliantly. They were very nearly outshined by this glorious lunch on one of the final days of our trip, even more proof that Guyana is a simply wonderful destination. I’m already looking forward to the next tour!