August 20: Steve Howell recently joined our Costa Rica in July tour - as a participant!
Steve Howell reports from the recent summer Costa Rica tour, when he went along as a participant (!), a pleasant change from leading and a welcome escape from the drought in California. It was the rainy season, but the umbrellabirders were well prepared.
At this season there were lots of juvenile birds to enjoy, like these baby Northern Jacanas that took refuge under their dad when the rain got too heavy!
Or this adorable fluffball Black-throated Trogon, barely able to fly
Here with the adult male—otherwise we would have had trouble figuring what species it was!
Late summer also means molt, but even without full plumes this adult male Resplendent Quetzal was still absolutely stunning!
One morning a female Sungrebe sat and preened unconcerned for many minutes—look at those feet.
Until a Green Basilisk decided to chase her off!
Other highlights ranged from confiding Great Green Macaws...
To the tiny Blue-chested Hummingbird
And a majestic Jabiru close beside the road!
It wasn’t all rainy—here a beautiful morning in the high elevation oak forest on Cerro de la Muerte
And the many non-avian highlights included extended family groups of White-nosed Coatis. There are still spaces on the forthcoming October Costa Rica tour, so if you’re looking to see lots of great wildlife and escape the madness in the US...
Posted: August 20, 2021