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Steve Howell reports from the recently concluded San Blas tour in western Mexico

Posted Jan 22, 2017 by Steve Howell

As always this trip entertains with its avian diversity—such as a Bat Falcon soaring with a Wood Stork, a Ladder-backed Woodpecker on a beach fence post only a few feet from a confiding Wilson’s Plover, and a pile of rotting tomatoes and avocadoes that hosted seven species of warblers, two orioles, and three thrushes as we watched a morning feeding frenzy. And of course, superb food and hospitality at our friendly, family-run hotel make this trip even better.

Bat Falcon and Wood Stork

The magic fruit pile, here with Fan-tailed Warbler and Bullock’s Oriole

Among the many other highlights were a showy Lesser Ground-Cuckoo,

Confiding and beautifully sunlit Orange-fronted Parakeets,

Fierce little Ferruginous Pygmy-Owls,

Bizarre Northern Potoos on our evening boat trip,

And plenty of colorful tropical birds, including numerous Citreoline Trogons. But all too soon it was over, and I’m already ready to go back!