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Steve Howell reports from the conclusion of another great Week in San Blas, Mexico tour

Posted Feb 14, 2024 by Steve Howell

It was full of sun, birds, great food, and great memories, from brilliant Military Macaws... Photo by participant Jim Vincent


To a cryptic Mottled Owl.Photo by participant Jim Vincent

We enjoyed some amazing sunrises (here, from the hotel balcony) and sunsets,

As well as birding on quiet backroads. Photo by participant Jim Vincent


Boat trips produced the bizarre Boat-billed Heron


And the equally—or more?—bizarre Northern Potoo,


Plus the tiny Yellow-breasted Crake, a recent discovery in the area. Photo by participant Jim Vincent


Russet-crowned Motmot kept us waiting till the 11th hour, but what views when we did find it!


And then there was this surprise Black Hawk-Eagle spotted on our drive to the airport, for which binoculars and cameras were hastily unpacked! Photo by participant Jim Vincent

Thanks to a great group for such a fun tour!