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Steve Howell reports from his ongoing Mexico tour to Oaxaca and Western Chiapas

"A motmot a day keeps the birders at play’ has been the story so far: this morning a very obliging Blue-crowned Motmot (below), yesterday morning a pair of Blue-throated Motmots, and the previous day the handsome Russet-crowned Motmot. We’ve also enjoyed great views of numerous regional specialties, including Pink-headed Warbler, the spectacular Slender Sheartail (below), Belted Flycatcher, and the endearing Rufous-browed Wren (below), along with wonderful views this morning of a group of foraging Singing Quail (defining ‘cryptic’ when they freeze – can you spot the bird in the first image?!). Tomorrow, on to the lowlands…

Blue-crowned Motmot

Slender Sheartail

Rufous-browed Wren

Singing Quail?

Singing Quail!