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Steve Howell on the conclusion of his tour to Mexico's Oaxaca and Western Chiapas

Posted Mar 18, 2015 by Steve Howell

From Nava’s Wren one morning to Giant Wren the next, we found 19 species of wrens along our route, along with 10 species of orioles and 33 warblers – testament to the region’s rich biodiversity. Highlights from the second part of the tour included the very local Dwarf Jay (below) in refreshing, highland pine-oak forest – a perfect picnic venue (below); a confiding, soft-faced Red-breasted Chat (below); the very handsome Bridled Sparrow (below); a pair of duetting Fulvous Owls; a beautiful White-tailed Hawk (below); and great views of the enigmatic Sclater’s Woodcreeper (below), a cryptic species-level taxon of Strong-billed Woodcreeper whose striking song was discovered only a few years ago. 

Dwarf Jay

A roadside lunch in Oaxaca

Red-breasted Chat

Bridled Sparrow

White-tailed Hawk

Sclater's Woodcreeper