From Nava’s Wren one morning to Giant Wren the next, we found 19 species of wrens along our route, along with 10 species of orioles and 33 warblers – testament to the region’s rich biodiversity. Highlights from the second part of the tour included the very local Dwarf Jay (below) in refreshing, highland pine-oak forest – a perfect picnic venue (below); a confiding, soft-faced Red-breasted Chat (below); the very handsome Bridled Sparrow (below); a pair of duetting Fulvous Owls; a beautiful White-tailed Hawk (below); and great views of the enigmatic Sclater’s Woodcreeper (below), a cryptic species-level taxon of Strong-billed Woodcreeper whose striking song was discovered only a few years ago.
Dwarf Jay
A roadside lunch in Oaxaca
Red-breasted Chat
Bridled Sparrow
White-tailed Hawk
Sclater's Woodcreeper