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Steve Howell from his ongoing Honduras tour

Posted Mar 26, 2015 by Steve Howell

“Oh my goodness, there’s an owl...” said Alison, and by sheer luck we had stopped 20 feet from a roosting Fulvous Owl! “Oh, another quetzal” said Stephanie..., and so the day went. We started with huge Strong-billed Woodcreepers and ended with tiny Sparkling-tailed Woodstars. In between featured the owl (below), numerous Resplendent Quetzals (below), the very local Green-breasted Mountain-gem, roadside singing Singing Quail (and they are loud!), a displaying male Wine-throated Hummingbird (below, celebrated with Belgian dark chocolate – it’s a good combination!), and an in-field barbeque. And it’s only the first day – tomorrow can’t be better, but we’ll try anyways!

Fulvous Owl

Resplendent Quetzal

Wine-throated Hummingbird

Lunch in the field!