We got off to a great start the first morning when a pair of Lilac-crowned Parrots decided to land in a tree right above us, bathed in the early sunlight. An obliging Flammulated Flycatcher and Red-breasted Chat were other highlights, along with stunning Orange-breasted Buntings and Citreoline Trogons. After a siesta we enjoyed Ridgway’s Rail and Mangrove Warbler, the former split recently, the latter not yet ‘officially’ split. And now off to the volcanoes and a whole suite of different birds.
One of the Lilac-crowned Parrots that landed above us—you can even see the lilac crown!
The enigmatic Flammulated Flycatcher showed very well...
...as did this ‘buff-breasted’ (female) Red-breasted Chat, formerly a warbler, now a bunting...
...and a handsome male Mangrove Warbler, split by most people, still lumped with Yellow Warbler by others.