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Skye Haas reports from the recent Colorado: Lekking Grouse tour

Posted May 6, 2024 by Skye Haas

WINGS has once again successfully completed yet another tour of Colorado, Kansas & Nebraska for the various lekking species of grouse. We observed 140 species of birds this year, including all our target grouse species as well as a bonus pair of White-tailed Ptarmigan. Other highlights include a Eurasian Wigeon, Barrow's Goldeneye, Mountain Plovers, American Goshawk, several Ferruginous Hawks, American Three-toed Woodpecker, Burrowing Owl, Pinyon Jays, Pine Grosbeaks, and all three species of Rosy-Finch- Gray-crowned, Brown-capped and Black! In addition to the fantastic list of birds observed, we enjoyed lots of charismatic mega-fauna such as American Bison, Pronghorn, Elk, Bighorn Sheep as well as the more demure such as Yellow-bellied Marmot, White-tailed Jackrabbit and the endangered Gunnison Prairie Dog. And of course, all of this was set against the incredible scenery that the Rocky Mountains provide around every corner!

Greater Prairie-Chicken

Lesser Prairie-Chicken

Greater Sage-Grouse

Ferruginous Hawk

Mountain Plover

Brown-capped Rosy-Finch

American Three-toed Woodpecker
