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Skye Haas reports from the recent Belize tour

Posted Mar 18, 2024 by Skye Haas

Belize is a beautiful gem of a country with its extensive emerald-colored forests, pastoral farmlands and sparkling Caribbean beaches. WINGS had not been to this beautiful and birdy country since the Covid shutdowns had actually canceled our tour midstream, but as the nine participants on the spring 2024 tour quickly learned, it was worth the wait! Over the course of this twelve-day tour we traveled extensively across the country, starting out in the coastal mangrove groves on the outskirts of Belize City; onto the expansive marsh and Yuacatan savannas of the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary; up to the highlands of the Mountain Pine Reserve; and deep into the tropical jungles of La Milpa, Cockscomb Preserve, & Bocawina and Blue Hole National Parks among many other fantastic birding locals. We visited on several occasions Mayan ruins, including the uncovered fabled cities of Caracol and Chan-Chich. The overwhelming abundance and richness of avian life in this small nation is outstanding and our group consisted of participants exploring their first international trip, as well as long-time veterans of neotropics- and all got multiple lifers and incredible experiences they will treasure for years to come. We tallied in an impressive 351 species of bird, featuring 16 species of hummingbird, 33 diurnal raptors, 31 flycatchers, 24 warblers and 16 species of tanager! Some of our highlights included Orange-breasted Falcon, Lovely Cotinga, Pheasant Cuckoo, Keel-billed Motmot, Agami Heron, Yucatan Nightjar, Black-throated Bobwhite, Striped Owl, Gray-throated Chat and both Black-and-White & Ornate Hawk-Eagles at the nest!

Exploring the river for Boat-billed Heron.

Agami Heron

Orange-breasted Falcon

Rufous-tailed Jacamar

Butterflies were abundant and some of the standouts included Blue Morpho, Banded Peacock, Owl Butterfly and this Variable Cattleheart.

Pheasant Cuckoo

Black-headed Trogon

Looking for Yucatan Jays with our friendly canine escort unit.