I could not be happier with how the WINGS 2025 tour to Belize went! This small and enchanting nation along the Caribbean coast hosts a wealth of birds, forests and wonderful people, as well as ancient ruins of the Mayan civilization that are amazing to behold. Our tour is rather extensive, journeying from the lowland savannas and extensive open marshlands of Crooked Tree, to the depths of the jungles of La Milpa, Caracol, and Bocawina; up high to the conifer forests and waterfalls of the Mountain Pine Reserve and down to the coastal beaches of Hopkins Village along the Sittee River. In doing so, we tallied in an impressive 335 species of birds- colorful tropical species like Keel-billed Toucan, Golden-hooded Tanagers and the always elusive Lovely Cotinga; North American migrants like Magnolia Warblers, Yellow-bellied Flycatchers and Indigo Buntings; to genuine rarities like Cave Swallows, Loggerhead Shrike, Bicolored Hawk and the first solidly documented Short-eared Owl ever for Belize, (with the last reports coming from 25 years ago!); as well as excellent looks at legendary species that lure us to the tropics in the first place, birds like Pheasant Cuckoo, Agami Heron, Stygian Owl and Tody Motmot!