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Report from Honduras

Steve Howell reports from the conclusion of another wonderful tour to Honduras, where the very first afternoon this handsome Lesser Ground Cuckoo made for a great start...
Steve Howell reports from the conclusion of another wonderful tour to Honduras, where the very first afternoon this handsome Lesser Ground Cuckoo made for a great start...
Followed the next morning by an impressive Collared Forest Falcon...
Followed the next morning by an impressive Collared Forest Falcon...
And this diminutive but fierce Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl.
And this diminutive but fierce Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl.
This intense rainbow over La Tigra National Park lied about the weather—it rained heavily the next day (!), after which misty and then hot and sunny weather prevailed.
This intense rainbow over La Tigra National Park lied about the weather—it rained heavily the next day (!), after which misty and then hot and sunny weather prevailed.
A bonus of our rainy morning was this cryptic Singing Quail, beautifully patterned like dead leaves.
A bonus of our rainy morning was this cryptic Singing Quail, beautifully patterned like dead leaves.
Photo by participant Neil Davidson
While this White-faced Quail-Dove had not read the field guide about being supposedly retiring and hard to see!
While this White-faced Quail-Dove had not read the field guide about being supposedly retiring and hard to see!
Photo by participant Neil Davidson
Motmots featured strongly, including the local Keel-billed...
Motmots featured strongly, including the local Keel-billed...
Golden-eyed and yellow breasted, Honduran Green Jays look quite different from the birds in South Texas!
Golden-eyed and yellow breasted, Honduran Green Jays look quite different from the birds in South Texas!
This singing Tropical Parula gave us prolonged great views...
This singing Tropical Parula gave us prolonged great views...
As did this female Sungrebe on our last full birding day.
As did this female Sungrebe on our last full birding day.
Non-avian highlights included the endearing little Proboscis Bat...
Non-avian highlights included the endearing little Proboscis Bat...
Colorful butterflies such as this Heart-spotted Heliconian...
Colorful butterflies such as this Heart-spotted Heliconian...
And a cacao (= chocolate!) plantation, which was full of birds! Does it get any better?
And a cacao (= chocolate!) plantation, which was full of birds! Does it get any better?