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Paul Holt reports from Bhutan

Posted Apr 18, 2024 by Paul Holt

A fantastic encounter with four Blood Pheasants early in to the second half of our Bhutan tour stole the Bird of the Trip award although Satyr Tragopan (we saw three separate birds superbly well), a pair of Beautiful Nuthatches, a couple of gaudy Himalayan Monals, a solitary White-bellied Heron, four Ibisbills, umpteen Rufous-necked Hornbills and a flock of 20 Fire-tailed Myzornis all pushed it hard…But Bhutan’s far more than just impressive birds – there’s the spectacular mountain and forest scenery, the country’s unique culture and fascinating Buddhist heritage and of course our fabulous ground agents. Bhutan has so much to offer...

Blood Pheasant romped away with the 'Bird of the Tour' award...


but Black-tailed Crake pushed it hard...

Capped, one of three species of langur we saw.


Punakha dzong – one of the country's more spectacular fortress-monasteries