Our current Beidaihe & Happy Island tour in Northeast China's progressing well with highlights so far included decent numbers of flycatchers with more Mugimaki's than ever before on the this tour, two Blue-and-whites and a vagrant Narcissus Flycatcher, a male Siberian and over 200 Eyebrowed Thrushes, Japanese Waxwing, decent numbers of buntings with particularly good looks at Tristram's, Yellow-browed and Chestnut.
Mugimaki Flycatcher
Yellow-browed Bunting
We spent yesterday on the coast at Nanpu where 141 Asian Dowitchers, two Nordmann's Greenshank, over 7500 Red-necked Stint and 4500 Great Knot as well as our first Reed Parrotbills were the highlights.
Asian Dowitcher