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Jon Dunn from his recently completed Migration in the Midwest tour

Posted Jun 15, 2014 by Jon Dunn

Day after day at both MaGee Marsh in Ohio and at Tawas Point in Michigan, there was an abundance of birds. Our Migration in the Midwest tour tallied some 37 wood warbler species, missing only Connecticut (of the eastern warblers) and saw most in abundance. Of particular note were excellent eye level views of Golden-winged, Swainson’s, Kirtland’s and Mourning. Other species of note included two groups of Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks in northern Ohio, Eared Grebe, both Glossy and White-faced Ibis, territorial Piping Plovers at Tawas Point, three breeding plumaged adult Little Gulls, five Henslow’s Sparrows and several Evening Grosbeaks. Non avian highlights included a Broadhead Skink, two Kirtland’s Snake and a threatened Eastern Massasauga, a little known rattlesnake.

Golden-winged Warbler - Chris Wood

Blackburnian Warbler - Chris Wood

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

Henslow's Sparrow

Evening Grosbeak

Massasauga Rattlesnake