We are most of the way through our "second spring" tour and have enjoyed the relative coolness and wet conditions of the monsoon in comparison to the earlier hot June weather. We've had a fine variety of montaine warblers, including this Red-faced, on Mt Lemmon (thanks, Dixie Sommers), and thus far we have recorded 11 species of hummingbirds including three Plain-capped Starthroats and two White-eared Hummingbirds, along with a nice adult male Lucifer (post-script: we ended up with 14 species!). The Five-striped Sparrows were singing and active in California Gulch and Black-capped Gnatcatchers were recorded at two different locations. In addition to the birds we had stunning views of a Gila Monster and had two very interesting snakes, a Checkered Garter Snake and a Sonoran Mountain Kingsnake. Now on to the Portal and the Chiricahuas and maybe, with luck, a Montezuma Quail.
Red-faced Warbler
Plain-capped Starthroat