Another journey through the vast and mind-bending reaches of the "Canyonland" has ended and we are catching up on sleep after all the beautiful birds and stunning scenery. Highlights were many, but sunrise at the Grand Canyon got the most votes for ‘site of the trip’.
A Grand Sunrise is usually the highlight of the tour
While crossing the Kaibab Plateau we also encountered the bird(s) of the trip. Suddenly we spotted a couple of very large birds perched by the road sitting next to "tiny" ravens. A group of California Condors was inspecting a recently dead animal waiting for the right moment to head to the ground and gorge themselves. With only around 425 of these majestic birds left in the world we felt fortunate to be in their presence.
A curious sub-adult California Condor posed for close inspection
Southwestern Utah and the Navajo Reservation both provided spectacular scenery and interesting birds like American Dipper, Northern Goshawk, and eventually good views of MacGillivray’s Warbler. Still one would be forgiven for remembering most clearly the fabulous Monument Valley.
Monument Valley mittens at sunset.
Non-avian sightings are sometimes as if not more exciting than birds, especially when we're close to such beasts as the range restricted Kaibab Squirrel and this ‘Desert’ Bighorn Sheep.
Desert Bighorn Sheep
The White Mountains of central Arizona were cool, calm, and relaxing. This peaceful setting was punctuated this year with lots of woodpeckers including great looks at two different American Three-toeds and a showy pink Lewis’s perched in the early morning sun.
American Three-toed Woodpecker
Lewis’s Woodpecker
Everyone agreed that the combination of bountiful birds and amazing scenery made the tour something very special.
Happy leader and group