Over the last week, the lower Rio Grand Valley of Texas produced many amazing birds. Common residents like Green Jay, Altamira Oriole, and Plain Chachalacas were seen daily at the many feeder arrangements scattered throughout this region. Less common were both Green and Ringed Kiingfishers seen through the fog at Santa Ana NWR; an ultra-cooperative Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet at Bentsen State Park; and the pair of White-collared Seedeaters which we watched through scopes at Salineño. This winter was one of those years that everyone hopes for when heading to the "Valley as Mexican vagrants were spread all over our planned route allowing multiple opportunities for some of them. This list included Northern Jacana, Blue Bunting, and Crimson-collared Grosbeak. From the coast to the desert every habitat was covered by our intrepid participants, and somehow we managed to scrape together an amazing 220 species of birds! This of course included our extension for Whooping Cranes where our boating adventure yielded at least 10 of these emblematic birds.
Ringed Kingfisher in the fog
A particularly accommodating Northern Beardless Tyrannulet
A female or young male Crimson-collared Grosbeak
A magnificent Whooping Crane