Evening view from Quidi Vidi. Our popular “Newfoundland in Winter” tour recently clued up for another year, with five excited birders braving the elements to score some wonderful winter birds. Participants came from across the US and Canada to enjoy the diversity of northern species that call this island home – and they were not disappointed.
Jared Clarke
Early surprises came in the form of rare visitors from very different directions – such as this ABA-rare Common Gull, and a long-staying Pink-footed Goose from Europe, along with a Yellow-throated Warbler from much further south.
Jared Clarke
Searching for Dovekie in Logy Bay. Always a highlight, Dovekies (aka “bullbirds” to local Newfoundlanders) took a little extra work this year, but we managed to track down several as they foraged in sheltered bays and coves.
Jared Clarke
An encounter with two Willow Ptarmigan foraging on the sub-arctic tundra was a special treat...
Jared Clarke
...as were other denizens of the north including King Eider, Great Cormorant, Canada Jay and this Boreal Chickadee.
Jared Clarke
Local celebrities such as Black-headed Gulls, Eurasian Wigeon and dozens of Tufted Ducks such as this were of course on full display.
Jared Clarke
We even enjoyed a flock of 40+ Purple Sandpipers at the easternmost edge of the continent – just one of many special moments during a great week of birding in the North Atlantic!