We just finished what was probably our best South Texas in Spring tour ever. With the valley specialties all showing well, a very strong showing of migrant passerines and virtually all of the possible shorebird species we saw a remarkable 255 species in eight days of birding. The stunning Green Jay was elected bird of the trip,
Green Jay
but other valley birds like this nesting White-tipped Dove, elegant Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, chattering Green Parakeets and several singing Clay-colored Thrushes were appreciated too.
White-tipped Dove
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Green Parakeet
Clay-colored Thrush
On the coast we encountered unsettled weather, with low numbers but excellent diversity of migrants including a few of the rarer species like this handsome Cerulean Warbler.
Cerulean Warbler
Waders like Stilt Sandpipers were in fine feather as they headed north towards their breeding grounds in the high arctic.
Stilt Sandpiper
And who could forget the 10-minute encounter with this stunning Least Bittern as it crept across the marsh just feet from the group. South Texas certainly has a lot to offer the visiting naturalist!
Least Bittern