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Gavin Bieber from his recently completed tour, Panama: Spring at the Canopy Tower

Posted Apr 10, 2016 by Gavin Bieber

We just wrapped up a great week at Panama's famous Canopy Tower, followed by a five-day extension to the Canopy Lodge.  It is always a pleasure to return to this fantastic and unique lodge, surrounded by an excellent mix of habitats and a great diversity of birds.  Some of the highlights would have to include our close views of a stunning male Blue Cotinga and several male Shining Honeycreepers from Cerro Azul, White-whiskered Puffbirds (one of 4 species of Puffbirds for the trip), White-tailed Trogon (one of 6 species for the tour) and a day active Night Monkey from the road below the tower, and the foraging Cinnamon Woodpeckers from the tower itself.  As always the gorgeous array of gaudy hummingbirds (24 species), and tanagers (33 species) stole the show.  We encountered a few surprises too, such as the Tody Motmot at Cerro Azul, a pair of Whistling Herons along the Pacific coast and the Blue-throated Goldentail at Altos del Maria above the Lodge.  In all we tallied just shy of 390 species of birds, along with 18 mammals and 24 species of reptiles and amphibians in just 10 days in the field! This tour continues to impress me; the diversity and richness of the region, paired with ease of access and the comforts of the lodge make for a truly wonderful experience.

Blue Cotinga

Shining Honeycreeper

White-whiskered Puffbird

White-tailed Trogon

"Day" Night Monkey

Cinnamon Woodpecker