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Fabrice Schmitt on his just-concluded cruise around southern South America

It was a superb trip, both sea and land. Everyone loved it and some hope to do it again soon! We had wonderful, stable at-sea birding -10 species of albatrosses, 4 penguins, 36 tubenoses, 3 diving-petrels, and some amazing species

Wandering Albatross

Stejneger's Petrel (thousands), the recently described Pincoya Storm-Petrel (hundreds) and a Spectacled Petrel.

Pincoya Storm-Petrel

Ou day land excursions went well too, and we recorded species like King Penguin, Chucao Tapaculo, Magellanic Plover, Snowy Sheathbill and Striped Owl.

King Penguins

More on our next cruise soon...