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Evan Obercian and Steve Howell from their ongoing Minnesota and North Dakota tour

Wonderful scope views of singing Henslow’s Sparrow and Connecticut Warbler have been among highlights of the first two days, exemplifying the varied habitats this tour visits. Our first morning we appreciated ‘grassland’ microhabitat differences between Henslow’s Sparrow (dead grass mats from the previous year) versus Dickcissel (lush fields with clover), as well as sampling some of the more southern warblers on our route, such as Blue-winged and Hooded. Moving up to the bogs and boreal forest we found a very obliging Connecticut Warbler shouting his song from the canopy, and also enjoyed sundry warblers, including the stunning Golden-winged, Canada, and Bay-breasted, plus a showy Black-backed Woodpecker. Another morning of boreal forest and then into the prairies...

Henslow’s Sparrow in habitat, versus...

Dickcissel in habitat

About the ‘easiest’ Connecticut Warbler ever...

Watched through the scope for many minutes

The ever-popular male Bay-breasted Warbler, ...

And a handsome male Black-backed Woodpecker